I love Duane Reade because it is a one stop shop. I can choose the products that I want easily as the products are kept well organized in the stores and all the stores are tidy. The staff is helpful and assists the customers well. The high quality and wide range of products attracts the customers. The features of Duane Reade that makes me crazy to shop at Duane Reade are:
1) Duane Reade Pharmacy:

1) Duane Reade Pharmacy:
A) Doctor on Premises: Duane Reade provides urgent affordable health care when you walk into the stores near you.

B) Prescription Savings Club: Customers of Duane Reade can save their prescriptions with privacy and they can avail auto refilling of medicines with free shipping. Customers can save huge through this program.
D)Duane Reade offers customer loyalty programs where customers get rewarded for each item they buy.
All the above four features clubbed together will make customer’s shopping experience awesome.
2) Duane Reade Daily needs section:Duane Reade has a Daily needs section where customers can shop for fresh and quality products. This includes food, drinks, diapers and other wide range of products.
4) Duane Reade Beauty Section:
Duane Reade offers excellent make-over products along with the beauty products it also offers wide range of fashionable and modern posh looking Jewelries to its customers.
5) Duane Reade Photo Section:
Duane Reade offers excellent quality photo printing to its customers at affordable prices. It offers unbeatable discounts on photo prints and free shipping on photo books.

I should be chosen to be a 2012 Duane Reade VIP Influencer because I am regular follower of Duane Reade news and updates so I am aware of current promotions and offers. The fact that I live in the state where Duane Reade is most popular enables me to go in person to visit the local stores often and witness the events and promotions running in the local stores and write a write-up about the happenings instantly. I use keywords in my write-ups which are catchy and highly influential on customers. The blogs and write-ups I write contains more pictures and visuals which creates more impact on customers, a customer need not have to go through the whole write-up just by seeing the pictures customers can easily understand the message conveyed.